Yesterday was my sister's 30th birthday. She lives far away right now, it sometimes feels further than it is. I haven't visited her b/c of the small children, and she probably can't get here b/c of jobs or money or time. But she's 30!
I wanted to get this up for her birthday, but I didn't have time to give it proper thought.
Anyway, Sarah and I are pretty different. But she's my sister. So it doesn't matter, really. We've both been through the wood chipper and then been able to somehow reassemble ourselves to be functioning again. Like the door on Monster's Inc. And wasn't it more special b/c someone took the time to put it back together with such love and care?
So here are just a few of my favorite things/memories about Sarah (in no particular order).
1. While I HATE that she spends any money whenever there are holidays, she goes to thrift shops and buys the most random things for gifts. But my girls think they are great. The point is that even though she is adult, she just "gets" little kids. Not just a little bit. Like, a lot.
2. She always says "I love you" first. I can't win on this. And, she's incredibly forgiving of my brattiness.
3. When we were in middle school, my mom and dad hired house painters and didn't tell us when they would start. Sarah and I were home alone, and one of the painters hoisted himself up outside of her window (on the second floor). She freaked out and army crawled into my room stage-whispering, "there's a man outside of my window." It STILL makes me laugh outloud.
4. If I call her in the middle of the night saying "I got one of those feelings, are you okay?" she doesn't say, "You are crazy, leave me alone." She says, "Oh no. Did you call mom and check on her, too?"
5. Her hair. And that she always stayed true to herself and never got her ears pierced.

Nice--I hope you two will always care for each other,no matter what.
I just saw this... and I think it's great. It made me tear up, which is wonderful. Thank you katie. I think this is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten - and I love knowing what you think. We are so different and so far apart but I love you - even though I suck at staying in touch, I love you so much - and you and your entire family will always have a place at my table. Always. (Even if that table is a weird blanket on a stump in the woods. I'll put flowers on it!)
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