Haiti: I am going to a meeting tonight about a trip our church is taking to Haiti. We send food via Kids Against Hunger there. I want to go, not just to the meeting, but to Haiti. It makes no sense for me in this "season" of life, and I know it would be heartbreaking, but I really want to go. I'll let you know when it is decided .
Parks: The temperature reached 30 degrees yesterday, so we went to a park. We weren't the only ones there, either. Maizie was all decked out in her snowsuit and Iris rode in the stroller which did surprisingly well in the slushy, dirty, snow. It felt very Minnesotan. Where else are people doing things like this? Maybe Alaska, I suppose.
Hibernation: I have figured out that I actually need to hibernate. No, really. Every winter, I must put on extra weight and stay in my jammies all day. Is there any purpose to this other than it's too cold and dark for me to deal? No. Same with bears. The problem comes when my kids don't hibernate. See, they actually have learned to anti-hibernate. They get more energy and skinnier.

OK, so tell me again why you never became a writer??? Cuz seriously...I look forward to reading your posts cuz they crack me up!!! Anyway...forgot to tell you that we were in Minneapolis this weekend but we werent there for very long, so we werent able to call and visit :(
I bought P tickets to the Minnesota Timberwolves vs Lakers (he's a HUGE Laker's fan) and this Friday was the game. So we drove up walked around downtown (via skyway...got totally lost a couple times), went to the game, ran by the mall Saturday morning and drove back home. It was busy busy busy but fun! We stayed at the most INCREDIBLE hotel right across from the Target Center. Graves Hotel?? It was GORGEOUS, we splurged and stayed in a nice room on the 19th floor cuz we never went on a honeymoon, so this was our FIRST kidless trip EVER! It was the most amazing hotel...anywho....long story short....wish we could have stayed longer on Saturday and that I could have seen you girls! :( You will have to tell me when you are in town visiting Js family :)
Wow that was a totally long post!! Sorry!!!
Hibernation is the natural state of your family. And there is nothing wrong with that.
I was just thinking, maybe you should go to Haiti. As you get older, sometimes it is harder to do things like that. Being a mom, you give up parts of yourself that sometimes you can't recover. It's not that you don't do it happily, but it is still important to maintain a bit of yourself. You always loved going on missions trips.
Katie! Nicole's mom here! What a wonderful blog you have going here! And what a wonderful family! Your girls are adorable and your hubby is very handsome. He's no vanilla man! Please DO stop by when you visit J's family -- and we'll invite Nicole over -- maybe. LOL! Big big hugs to you, Dear.
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