After 9 months of being "potty" (pee only) trained-she can even get through the entire night, my big girl has pooped in a toilet. Bittersweetly, I realize that it's because dad got involved. All my cajoling, bribing, disciplining, whatever accomplished nothing. But the day that daddy stepped in and told her that if she pooped in her diaper (at nap time) or in her undies, she would not be allowed to wear a pretty dress and would have to wear pants, she obliges. These threatened pants are not just any pants, mind you. A pair of red shorts and a black t-shirt. You may be thinking, what's the big deal, but this is the girl who wakes up in the morning and says within the first few minutes "I love pink and purple." "I just have to dance." "I need ballet slippers." And who now introduces herself as "Pink Maizie Brown." So, for the time being, pooping in the pot became more important than teaching Maizie that she can't have whatever she wants (currently in the form of clothing). So she held it, held it, held it as long as she could, and FINALLY, on the way home from Sam's Club we hear her crying b/c she couldn't hold it any longer. So we stop at Wendy's and her and I dash in, sit her down, and out it comes. And for all the times I thought she was just being a brat about not going, I realized how wrong I was, because she was SO excited. And with her arms pumping up and down in cheerleader fashion she's exclaiming between giggles....
"It just slide right out!!! I'm so big-cited!!!
I'm SOOOO proud!!
Let's tell Baby Iris! I want my cash register!!
I did it!!!
I'm so big-cited!!! Baby Iris is so big-cited!!
Let's call [Blue's Clues'] Steve!"
(aka Jason)
Now I know it's not over, but at least it's coming along.
I'm just praying that we don't have to drive to Wendy's every time she has to go.

YEAH MAIZIE!!!!! (I hope you don't have to drive to Wendy's all the time, too :)).
Thanks for sharing ..... I mean, we DO need to rejoice in all things good.
I also love the 'big-cited' .... a mix of "big" (as in big girl and excited, I'm assuming!) CUTE!!!
GOOOOOO MAAAIIIZZZIIIEEE!!! Woo hoo! Thats so great!!! And I am very big-cited for her!!!
so i just heard my husband CRACKING UP laughing across the room and came over to see him reading this post. i didn't even know you had a blog until now, but i will be reading from now on!! :) tell maizie 'way to go,' (literally) from us. --christy mc
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