Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just draggin

You know that you're having a bad night when you binge on green sprinkles and baby food pears, b/c they are the only thing sweet in your house and you're too tired to load up the kids and trek out in the rain to get some real binge food, like hostess cupcakes or .   And even if you were energized enough to do that, you can't imagine spending three dollars b/c frankly, you just can't be throwing that kind of money around.  So, there's plenty to be thankful in that. 
I'm trying to reflect on the joys of motherhood, but today is one of those days that I can't seem to get my heart caught up into the truth of what God really has blessed me with.  I keep looking at the to-dos, and the what-ifs, and the spit-ups.  (I've been walking around a pile of baby spit-up that is on the floor for a couple of hours now b/c I just don't want to bend down to pick it up).  And the fact that I finally got around to spending ten dollars on a shirt for myself that actually fits my post baby body and day two it has a hole in it that I have to stitch b/c I lost the receipt and can't return it and pretend like I had nothing to do with it when me and the clerk would both know that I did.  I know that was a run on sentence, I'm too tired to push shift and try to find the proper punctuation under my grabby baby who is sitting on my lap grabbing everything on the desk.  
But she sure is cute, though.
And really, what am I complaining about?  I live in the United States and I have so much food that I have cupcake sprinkles in my pantry.  And my baby girls are allowed to live and grow up. And I have a computer, of all things, that cost as much as it costs to feed 20 kids for a whole year in Haiti.  And my husband is nice to me.  And he's addicted to nothing (except Dr. Pepper).      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Green sprinkles.....too cute. Bet they turned your tongue green. :)

If it makes you feel better, I ate 5 el-cheapo sandwich creme cookies that we had in the pantry Saturday night. Gross. Would have been less calories if I would have had baby food and sprinkles. :)