I just got back from Target, and I realized that I'm one of "those moms" today. Maizie was having a horrible time. I don't know why, she actually woke up really sad today so I should have known it wouldn't be a good day to be out, but I have an agenda, and I do not often stop to think about what my girlies might need. We started out okay, we went to the Y, I left them in good hands for 30 minutes while I exercised. Maizie made a craft and drew with markers. I really like going right at 9:15, because the staff that work at that time are really great.
Anyway, we went to Target, spent a lot of time in the toy aisle, and I even got some stocking stuffers for the girls. I'm still sort of sneaky (or my kids are just too little to know that I'm putting their gifts on the bottom of the cart), but Maizie almost catches on.
Then we went to get the groceries, and Maizie started acting super terrible. She was fussing and crying. Maizie is usually a peach in Target & grocery stores. No joke, I have lucked out. But when she threw the string cheese out of the cart, I should have left. I always said I would leave the cart and go if things like that happen, but I had already gotten so much done! I had so much left to do! How could I leave? I mean, getting the yogurt and MM filled candy canes seemed so important. So she kept crying. I threatened horrible things. Then I took her out of the cart and she scraped her knuckles somehow. Then she started bawling. And I became "that mom."
"You'll be fine. It's just a little scrape. You need to get some self-control. I'm sorry your knuckles are bleeding and that you probably need to go potty and that your breakfast was totally non-nutritious and that you are cramped with a huge coat in a tiny cart and that you can't touch anything here, but I need to finish this all-important shopping trip and I need to get this stuff done so that I don't have to come out later in the cold because I am tired and I am busy and I don't have time for you to have a bad day!"
When is the last time God has done that to me?
"Katie, you need to get it together, because I have
so much to get done and don't have time for your petty little problem. No matter that you're in pain, it's not that much pain compared to all the things that need to happen in the world today, and it's what you deserve anyway. I need to keep the earth in orbit, make sure all the seasons are running properly, deal with famine, save lives, count hairs, and watch sparrows. I don't have time for you to have a bad day."
You get the picture.

Thank you God, that 3 year olds are extremely forgiving. And that Clifford, hot-dogs, a Hello Kitty band-aid, and a brand new (ex-stocking-stuffer) Candyland work wonders to mend a discouraged 3-year-old heart.