The Mall of America is opening a new store VERY soon. IT's the American Girl Store. See here if you have no idea. www.americangirl.com
Anyway, I have been in love with these dolls probably as long as they've existed. Since 1986. I've gotten and poured over the catalogue. I know all of their names and stories. And now the actual store is opening here. I can finally go see all of the dolls, accessories, books, even their beds.
But I'm 27 years old.
So here's what I'm going to do, I think. Someday soon (like in the next 2 years), I am going to book a wedding, I am going to use some of the profits I make to buy two dolls and accessories (over $250-yikes!). I will carefully brush their hair and dress them up. And then, even though it will probably creep my husband out, I will put them on shelves in my room. WAY up high. I can play, I mean DUST them whenever I want. Because they will technically be mine. I may even buy them outfits at those garage sales that say "American Girl Clothes Boutique."
And then, when the girls are big enough, they can play with them.
I get this idea from my mom, who had these little ceramic cats and urns. And I LOVED them. I played with them whenever I could, but I always had to ask. They were teeny tiny, don't ask me why she had them, but I loved to build museums for them with my wooden blocks. It was amazing. And they were so special b/c they were hers and I had to be so careful with them. Once I broke the tail off of the tiniest kitten. The nice thing about my mom is that it wasn't that big of a deal. (Now ask me about the time I got gum on her sandals, and that's another story.)
Now the question is, which two? I've always wanted Kirsten. But Samantha was so much more popular when I was little. However, they are putting her in the vault (similar to the Disney Vault, maybe?) soon, so she will be unavailable. If it was just one doll, Kirsten it would be. But two...they make dolls that look like their owners. So I could get one with "red" hair and blue eyes. And one with gray hair (Iris's hair looks gray for some reason) and blue eyes? I don't know.
I suppose I have a while before I have to make this decision. But I cannot be talked out of it. Don't even try.